
Hotaru Camping Site in Numata Town !

 by Kazu

On the next day of YOTAKA Andon(Lantern) Festival, I got up early in the morning and jogged around the hotel Horoshin Onsen.
I have stayed on this site twice before. I was bit by a gnat on my foot and it swelled to the extent I could not put on my shoes. It continued for weeks.
I think various kinds of insect including beetles that make kids crazy, can be found in this camping site if you do not mind to be bite by gnats and black flies.
The camping site is under the dam site and planned by the current mayor of the town, Mr. Kanehira when he was in the rank and file.
This camping site is very popular and it may be difficult to book a site in high season but the area near the dam can be used even in the high season.
 The amount of water in the dam was very few.
Some kinds of fish can be caught by hands in the pool.
 This is the road on the dam. It is basically prohibited to enter this area because hornets attack the tourists.
This is the perspective of the camping site near the dam.
The old bridge for train is still left on the water.
 This area was well-designed by Agricultural Department of Hokkaido Government using the grant of the  Ministry of Agriculture, forestry and Fishery.
 This house is at the center of the site. Restrooms, kitchenette and vendor machines.
it is one of my favorite camping site in Hokkaido. I cherry-pick the site for our precious leisure time.
I think absolutely sleeping in the chorus of insects on the site gives a good effect to cure autistic people.
 It was still very calm in the morning. The comfortable stay in the site keeps autism at bay.
The camping site is available until the end of October. Would you try the comfortable stay in the forest near the hot spring spa this weekend ?

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